anton_fotev avatar anton_fotev 9 Точки

C# 04. Mixed Up List - More Exercises

Колеги, дава ми 50/100. Пробвах с различни примерни стойности - на конзолата ми дава верни отговори.

Условието на задачата е следното:
Write a program that mixes up two lists by some rules. You will receive two lines of input, each one
being a list of numbers. The rules for mixing are:
- Start from the beginning of the first list and from the ending of the second
- Add element from the first and element from the second
- At the end there will always be a list in which there are 2 elements remaining
- These elements will be the range of the elements you need to print
- Loop through the result list and take only the elements that fulfill the condition
- Print the elements ordered in ascending order and separated by a space


Input :

1 5 23 64 2 3 34 54 12
43 23 12 31 54 51 92

Output:  23 23 31 34 43 51

After looping through the two of the arrays we get:
1 92 5 51 23 54 64 31 2 12 3 23 34 43
The constrains are 54 and 12 (so we take only the numbers between them):
51 23 31 23 34 43
We print the result sorted

Кодът ми е следния:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        List<int> firstInput = Console.ReadLine()
            .Split(new[]{' ', ','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        List<int> secondInput = Console.ReadLine()
            .Split(new[]{' ', ','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        List<int> mixed = MakeMixedList(firstInput, secondInput);
        int minBorder = CheckRigthListAndMin(firstInput, secondInput);
         int maxBorder = CheckRigthListAndMax(firstInput, secondInput);
        List<int> rezult = MakeRezultList(mixed, minBorder, maxBorder);
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", rezult));

     public static int CheckRigthListAndMin(List<int> firstInput, List<int> secondInput)
        if(firstInput.Count > secondInput.Count)
             return Math.Min(firstInput[firstInput.Count -1], firstInput[firstInput.Count -2]);
            return Math.Min(secondInput[secondInput.Count -1], secondInput[secondInput.Count -2]);
     public static int CheckRigthListAndMax(List<int> firstInput, List<int> secondInput)
        if(firstInput.Count > secondInput.Count)
             return Math.Max(firstInput[firstInput.Count -1], firstInput[firstInput.Count -2]);
            return Math.Max(secondInput[secondInput.Count -1], secondInput[secondInput.Count -2]);
      public static List<int> MakeMixedList(List<int> firstInput, List<int> secondInput)
          List<int> mixed = new List<int>();
          if (firstInput.Count > secondInput.Count)
           for (int i = 0; i < secondInput.Count; i++)
          } // end if
           for (int i = 0; i < firstInput.Count; i++)
          } // end else
        return mixed;      
    public static List <int> MakeRezultList(List<int> mixed, int minBorder, int maxBorder)
         List<int> rezult = mixed
            .Where(x => (minBorder < x && x < maxBorder))
            .OrderBy(x => x)
        return rezult;

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