Vladimir_Dodnikov avatar Vladimir_Dodnikov 3 Точки

Задача 06. Courses - Associative Arrays - Exercises

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опитвам се да се измисля начин за принтиране на един ред output-а на задача 06.Courses от Associative Arrarys - Exercises.

Условието на задачата е:

6.   Courses

Write a program that keeps information about courses. Each course has a name and registered students.

You will be receiving a course name and a student name, until you receive the command "end". Check if such course already exists, and if not, add the course. Register the user into the course. When you receive the command "end", print the courses with their names and total registered users, ordered by the count of registered users in descending order. For each contest print the registered users ordered by name in ascending order.


  • Until the "end" command is received, you will be receiving input in the format: "{courseName} : {studentName}".
  • The product data is always delimited by " : ".


  • Print the information about each course in the following the format:
    "{courseName}: {registeredStudents}"
  • Print the information about each student, in the following the format:
    "-- {studentName}"




Programming Fundamentals : John Smith

Programming Fundamentals : Linda Johnson

JS Core : Will Wilson

Java Advanced : Harrison White


Programming Fundamentals: 2

-- John Smith

-- Linda Johnson

JS Core: 1

-- Will Wilson

Java Advanced: 1

-- Harrison White

Algorithms : Jay Moore

Programming Basics : Martin Taylor

Python Fundamentals : John Anderson

Python Fundamentals : Andrew Robinson

Algorithms : Bob Jackson

Python Fundamentals : Clark Lewis


Python Fundamentals: 3

-- Andrew Robinson

-- Clark Lewis

-- John Anderson

Algorithms: 2

-- Bob Jackson

-- Jay Moore

Programming Basics: 1

-- Martin Taylor


ето ми го решението: https://pastebin.com/EivWJYVg.

Дава си 100/100 но искам накрая да принтирам с един ред код. Има ли начин?

Programming Fundamentals
knoteva avatar knoteva 1081 Точки
Best Answer


Нещо такова:

Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, courses.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Count)
                .Select(kvp => $"{kvp.Key}: {kvp.Value.Count} {Environment.NewLine}" +
                $"{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, kvp.Value.OrderBy(x => x).Select(x=> $"-- {x}"))}")));

Но е много грозно. :)

П.С. Ако го оставиш на 1 ред може и без +:

Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, courses.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Count).Select(kvp => $"{kvp.Key}: {kvp.Value.Count} {Environment.NewLine} {string.Join(Environment.NewLine, kvp.Value.OrderBy(x => x).Select(x => $"-- {x}"))}")));

09/07/2019 09:41:14
Vladimir_Dodnikov avatar Vladimir_Dodnikov 3 Точки

Благодаря ти. Сега ще го пробвам. yes

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