C++ vs. Python
Although I have a bit of experience in both, I'm still having a hard time contemplating which of the two I should be aiming for mastery. Python is very beginner friendly, with a lot of resources and libraries. On the other hand, C++ is known for being a powerful language, while being complex and with a not so small learning curve. I wanted to focus more on robotics and you know, the cool stuff. But wait there's more...... Rasberry pi (python) or Arduino (c++). I'm just a naive 17 year old in my freshmen year of college, and am taking Electronics Engineering. Please enlighten me with your opinions.
@anton.todorov - това е спам бот. Форумъте пълен с техни теми.
Е, поне съм му отговорил... ахахаха. Good to know. Благодаря много! :)