Programming Fundamentals Final Exam 04.04.2020 - 01.Password Reset 50/100
Някой може ли да ми каже, защо джъдж ми дава 50/100 на тази задача?
Линк към задачата в джъдж
Решението ми:
Някой може ли да ми каже, защо джъдж ми дава 50/100 на тази задача?
Линк към задачата в джъдж
Решението ми:
Cut seems to be OK, but check out TakeOdd and Substitute commands where probably the remaining 50% are taken from the total score.
TakeOdd => Takes only the characters at odd indices and concatenates them together to obtain the new raw password and then prints it.
Substitute => If the raw password contains the given substring, replaces all of its occurrences with the substitute text given and prints the result.
Code (100%)
function solve(input) {
let password = input.shift();
let line = input.shift();
while (line !== 'Done') {
let [command,] = line.split(' ');
switch (command) {
case 'TakeOdd':
let newPassword = '';
for (let i = 0; i < password.length; i++) {
if (i % 2 !== 0) {
newPassword += password[i];
password = newPassword;
case 'Cut':
let index = Number(rest[0]);
let length = Number(rest[1]);
let string = password.substring(index, index + length);
password = password.replace(string, '');
case 'Substitute':
let stringTarget = rest[0];
let replace = rest[1];
if (password.includes(stringTarget)) {
while (password.includes(stringTarget)) {
password = password.replace(stringTarget, replace);
} else {
console.log('Nothing to replace!');
line = input.shift();
console.log(`Your password is: ${password}`);
Thank you