More Exercise: Associative Arrays - задача Ranking ( вариант за решаването й)?
Здравейте, имам един въпрос относно тази задача или по-скоро търся съвет. От часове се опитвам да измисля алгоритъм за решаването й, но понеже не сме учили във Фундаменталс речник в речник, а колкото и да я мисля, не се сещам по какъв друг начин може да се реши. Да се опитвам ли да я решавам с вложен речник или има друг вариант на ниво материала от Фундаменталс, който на мен не ми идва на акъл?
More Exercise: Associative Arrays
Problems for exercise and homework for the "C# Fundamentals" course @ SoftUni
You can check your solutions in Judge
Here comes the final and the most interesting part – the Final ranking of the candidate-interns. The final ranking is determined by the points of the interview tasks and from the exams in SoftUni. Here is your final task. You will receive some lines of input in the format “{contest}:{password for contest}” until you receive “end of contests”. Save that data because you will need it later. After that you will receive other type of inputs in format “{contest}=>{password}=>{username}=>{points}” until you receive “end of submissions”. Here is what you need to do.
- Check if the contest is valid (if you received it in the first type of input)
- Check if the password is correct for the given contest
- Save the user with the contest they take part in (a user can take part in many contests) and the points the user has in the given contest. If you receive the same contest and the same user update the points only if the new ones are more than the older ones.
At the end you have to print the info for the user with the most points in the format “Best candidate is {user} with total {total points} points.”. After that print all students ordered by their names. For each user print each contest with the points in descending order. See the examples.
- strings in format “{contest}:{password for contest}” until the “end of contests” command. There will be no case with two equal contests
- strings in format “{contest}=>{password}=>{username}=>{points}” until the “end of submissions” command.
- There will be no case with 2 or more users with same total points!
- On the first line print the best user in format “Best candidate is {user} with total {total points} points.”.
- Then print all students ordered as mentioned above in format:
{user1 name}
# {contest1} -> {points}
# {contest2} -> {points}
- the strings may contain any ASCII character except from (:, =, >)
- the numbers will be in range [0 - 10000]
- second input is always valid
Input |
Output |
Part One Interview:success Js Fundamentals:Peter C# Fundamentals:fundPass Algorithms:fun end of contests C# Fundamentals=>fundPass=>Tanya=>350 Algorithms=>fun=>Tanya=>380 Part One Interview=>success=>Nikola=>120 Java Basics Exam=>pesho=>PeterPeter=>400 Part One Interview=>success=>Tanya=>220 OOP Advanced=>password123=>JohnJohn=>231 C# Fundamentals=>fundPass=>Tanya=>250 C# Fundamentals=>fundPass=>Nikola=>200 Js Fundamentals=>Peter=>Tanya=>400 end of submissions |
Best candidate is Tanya with total 1350 points. Ranking: Nikola # C# Fundamentals -> 200 # Part One Interview -> 120 Tanya # Js Fundamentals -> 400 # Algorithms -> 380 # C# Fundamentals -> 350 # Part One Interview -> 220 |
Java Advanced:funpass Part Two Interview:success Math Concept:asdasd Java Web Basics:forrF end of contests Math Concept=>ispass=>Monika=>290 Java Advanced=>funpass=>Simona=>400 Part Two Interview=>success=>Dany=>120 Java Advanced=>funpass=>Peter=>90 Java Web Basics=>forrF=>Simona=>280 Part Two Interview=>success=>Peter=>0 Math Concept=>asdasd=>Dany=>250 Part Two Interview=>success=>Simona=>200 end of submissions |
Best candidate is Simona with total 880 points. Ranking: Dany # Math Concept -> 250 # Part Two Interview -> 120 Peter # Java Advanced -> 90 # Part Two Interview -> 0 Simona # Java Advanced -> 400 # Java Web Basics -> 280 # Part Two Interview -> 200 |
След почти 15 часово решаване, успях да я измисля и с малко търсене в интернет за сортировките, но много трудно беше да си пречупя мисленето за задача с вложен речник, досега най-много до лист/масив в речника съм решавал, но това с речник речника направо ме хвърли в шах :D
Браво за труда, усилията и вярното решение!
Всичко това ще ти бъде от голяма полза занапред.
Дано, благодаря
Моля-моля, така ще е, няма как да няма полза - от всеки труд има такава.
Стигнах до тука от базовите си знания, които не влючваха до тук работа с речник в речника, от там нататъка вече е батак как да си направя сортировките с речник в речника