Axiomatik avatar Axiomatik 2423 Точки

Demo Code (100%), ;-)

function solve(input) {
    let priceWithoutTaxes = 0
    let type = input.pop().toLowerCase();
    let taxes = 0
    let totalPrice = 0

    for (price of input) {
        const currentPrice = Number(price);

        // If a given price is not a positive number, you should print
        // "Invalid price!" on the console and continue with the next price.
        if (price > 0) {
            priceWithoutTaxes += currentPrice
        } else {
            console.log("Invalid price!")

    // If the total price is equal to zero, you should print "Invalid order!" on the console.
    if (priceWithoutTaxes === 0) {
        return console.log("Invalid order!")

    // The taxes are 20% of each part's price you receive. 
    taxes = priceWithoutTaxes * 0.2
    totalPrice = taxes + priceWithoutTaxes

    // If the customer is special, he has a 10% discount on the total price with taxes.
    if (type === "special") {
        totalPrice = totalPrice - (totalPrice * 0.1)

    console.log(`Congratulations you've just bought a new computer!`)
    console.log(`Price without taxes: ${priceWithoutTaxes.toFixed(2)}$`)
    console.log(`Taxes: ${taxes.toFixed(2)}$`)
    console.log(`Total price: ${totalPrice.toFixed(2)}$`)


Ivelinka avatar Ivelinka 24 Точки


но аз исках да видя къде е грешката в моя код :)

Axiomatik avatar Axiomatik 2423 Точки
function solve2(input) {
    let index = 0;
    let command = input[index];

    let priceNoTax = 0;
    let finalPrice = 0;
    let tax = 0;

    while (command !== "special" && command !== "regular") {
        let currPrice = Number(command);

        if (currPrice <= 0) {
            console.log("Invalid price!");
        } else {
            priceNoTax += currPrice;

        command = input[index];

    tax = (priceNoTax * 1.20) - priceNoTax;
    finalPrice = priceNoTax + tax;

    if (finalPrice === 0) {
        return console.log("Invalid order!");

    if (command === "special") {
        finalPrice *= 0.90;
    } else {
        finalPrice = finalPrice

    console.log("Congratulations you've just bought a new computer!");
    console.log(`Price without taxes: ${priceNoTax.toFixed(2)}$`)
    console.log(`Taxes: ${tax.toFixed(2)}$`)
    console.log(`Total price: ${finalPrice.toFixed(2)}$`)


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