"15. Show All Games with Duration" FROM Built-in Functions HOMEWORK
Някой ще помогне ли? Уж всичко е както трябва, но джъдж не го приема.
Код: http://pastebin.com/3QdHQFWP
Задача: " Find all games with part of the day and duration sorted by game name alphabetically then by duration and part of the day (all ascending). Parts of the day should be Morning (time is >= 0 and < 12), Afternoon (time is >= 12 and < 18), Evening (time is >= 18 and < 24). Duration should be Extra Short (smaller or equal to 3), Short (between 4 and 6 including), Long (greater than 6) and Extra Long (without duration). Submit your query statements as Prepare DB & run queries."
Ако оправиш '"Mourning" на "Morning", мисля, че ще мине...
Thanks! Rookie mistake!