3. Post Office - More Exercise - C# Fundamentals
Имам проблем със задача 3. Post Office - More Exercise , гърмят ми 2 и 9 тест със Runtime error и не мога да разбера къде е проблема, какъвто и вход да въведа работи правилно, но в judge ми дава 80/100. Ще съм много благодарна, ако някой ми помогне
Ето кода ми - https://pastebin.com/G1cdzTA4
You read a single line of ASCII symbols, and the message is somewhere inside it, you must find it.
The input consists of three parts separated with "|" like this:
Each word starts with capital letter and has a fixed length, you can find those in each different part of the input.
The first part carries the capital letters for each word inside the message. You need to find those capital letters 1 or more from A to Z. The capital letters should be surrounded from the both sides with any of the following symbols – "#, $, %, *, &". And those symbols should match on the both sides. This means that $AOTP$ - is a valid pattern for the capital letters. $AKTP% - is invalid since the symbols do not match.
The second part of the data contains the starting letter ASCII code and words length /between 1 – 20 charactes/, in the following format: "{asciiCode}:{length}". For example, "67:05" – means that '67' - ascii code equal to the capital letter "C", represents a word starting with "C" with following 5 characters: like "Carrot". The ascii code should be a capital letter equal to a letter from the first part. Word's length should be exactly 2 digits. Length less than 10 will always have a padding zero, you don't need to check that.
The third part of the message are words separated by spaces. Those words have to start with Capital letter [A…Z] equal to the ascii code and have exactly the length for each capital letter you have found in the second part. Those words can contain any ASCII symbol without spaces.
When you find valid word, you have to print it on a new line.
Input / Constraints
- On the first line – the text in form of three different parts separated by "|". There can be any ASCII character inside the input, except '|'.
- Input will always be valid - you don’t need to check it
- The input will always have three different parts, that will always be separated by "|".
- Print all extracted words, each on a new line.
- Allowed working time / memory: 100ms / 16MB
Input |
Output |
Comment |
sdsGGasAOTPWEEEdas$AOTP$|a65:1.2s65:03d79:01ds84:02! -80:07++ABs90:1.1|adsaArmyd Gara So La Arm Armyw21 Argo O daOfa Or Ti Sar saTheww The Parahaos |
Argo Or The Parahaos |
The capital letters are "AOTP" Then we look for the addition length of the words for each capital letter. For A(65) -> it's 4. For O(79) -> it's 2 For T(84) -> it's 3 For P(80) -> it's 8. Then we search in the last part for the words.First, start with letter 'A' and we find "Argo". With letter 'O' we find "Or". With letter 'T' we find "The" and with letter 'P' we find "Parahaos". |
Urgent"Message.TO$#POAML#|readData79:05:79:0!2reme80:03--23:11{79:05}tak{65:11ar}!77:!23--)77:05ACCSS76:05ad|Remedy Por Ostream :Istream Post sOffices Office Of Ankh-Morpork MR.LIPWIG Mister Lipwig
Post Office Ankh-Morpork Mister Lipwig |
The first capital letters are "POAML" Then we look for the addition length of the words for each capital letter. P(80) -> it's 4. O(79) -> it's 6 A(65) -> it's 12 M(77) -> it's 6 L(76) -> it's 6. Then we search the last part for the words. First, start with the letter 'P' and we find "Post". With letter 'O' we find "Office". With letter 'A' we find "Ankh-Morpork". With letter 'M' we find "Mister" and with letter 'L' we find "Lipwig". |