StefanBuchvarov avatar StefanBuchvarov 0 Точки

Проблем със Controller класа от C# OOP Exam - 16 August 2020

При подаване на командата "AddComputer Laptop 4 Asus ROG 700" ми изписва:
Unhandled exception. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at OnlineShop.Core.CommandInterpreter.AddComputer(String[] data, IController controller) in d:\Downloads\01. Structure_Skeleton\OnlineShop-Skeleton\OnlineShop\Core\CommandInterpreter.cs:line 132
   at OnlineShop.Core.CommandInterpreter.ExecuteCommand(String[] data, IController controller) in d:\Downloads\01. Structure_Skeleton\OnlineShop-Skeleton\OnlineShop\Core\CommandInterpreter.cs:line 25
   at OnlineShop.Core.Engine.Run() in d:\Downloads\01. Structure_Skeleton\OnlineShop-Skeleton\OnlineShop\Core\Engine.cs:line 32
   at OnlineShop.StartUp.Main() in d:\Downloads\01. Structure_Skeleton\OnlineShop-Skeleton\OnlineShop\StartUp.cs:line 24

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Кода на Controller класа ми е:

using OnlineShop.Common.Constants;
using OnlineShop.Models.Products;
using OnlineShop.Models.Products.Components;
using OnlineShop.Models.Products.Computers;
using OnlineShop.Models.Products.Peripherals;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;

namespace OnlineShop.Core
    public class Controller : IController
        public Controller()
            computers = new List<Computer>();
            components = new List<Component>();
            peripherals = new List<Peripheral>();
        public IReadOnlyCollection<IComputer> Computers => computers;
        private readonly List<Computer> computers;
        private readonly List<Component> components;
        private readonly List<Peripheral> peripherals;

        public string AddComponent(int computerId, int id, string componentType, string manufacturer, string model, decimal price, double overallPerformance, int generation)
            Component comp =  null;
            switch (componentType)
                case "CentralProcessingUnit":
                    comp = new CentralProcessingUnit(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation);
                case "Motherboard":
                    comp = new Motherboard(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation);
                case "PowerSupply":
                    comp = new PowerSupply(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation);
                case "RandomAccessMemory":
                    comp = new RandomAccessMemory(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation);
                case "SolidStateDrive":
                    comp = new SolidStateDrive(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation);
                case "VideoCard":
                    comp = new VideoCard(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, generation);
                default: throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.InvalidComponentType);
            foreach (var item in components)
                if (item.Id == id)
                    throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.ExistingComponentId);
            computers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == computerId).AddComponent(comp);
            return string.Format(SuccessMessages.AddedComponent, componentType, id, computerId);

        public string AddComputer(string computerType, int id, string manufacturer, string model, decimal price)
            Computer comp;
            switch (computerType)
                case "DesktopComputer":
                    comp = new DesktopComputer(id, manufacturer, model, price);
                case "Laptop":
                    comp = new Laptop(id, manufacturer, model, price);

                default: throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.InvalidComputerType);

            foreach (var item in computers)
                if (item.Id == comp.Id)
                    throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.ExistingComputerId);
            return String.Format(SuccessMessages.AddedComputer, id);

        public string AddPeripheral(int computerId, int id, string peripheralType, string manufacturer, string model, decimal price, double overallPerformance, string connectionType)
            Peripheral peri;
            switch (peripheralType)
                case "Headset":
                    peri = new Headset(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, connectionType);
                case "Keyboard":
                    peri = new Keyboard(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, connectionType);
                case "Monitor":
                    peri = new Monitor(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, connectionType);
                case "Mouse":
                    peri = new Mouse(id, manufacturer, model, price, overallPerformance, connectionType);

                default: throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.InvalidPeripheralType);
            foreach (var item in peripherals)
                if (item.Id == id)
                    throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.ExistingPeripheralId);
            computers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == computerId).AddPeripheral(peri);
            return String.Format(SuccessMessages.AddedPeripheral, peripheralType, id, computerId);


        public string BuyBest(decimal budget)
            double maxPerformance = components.Max(t => t.OverallPerformance);
            Computer comp = computers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OverallPerformance == maxPerformance);
            if (comp == null || budget < comp.Price)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(ExceptionMessages.CanNotBuyComputer, budget));
            return comp.ToString();

        public string BuyComputer(int id)
            Computer comp = computers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

            if (comp == null )
                throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.NotExistingComputerId);
            return comp.ToString();

        public string GetComputerData(int id)
            Computer comp = computers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);

            if (comp == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(ExceptionMessages.NotExistingComputerId);
            return comp.ToString();

        public string RemoveComponent(string componentType, int computerId)
            Component comp = components.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType().Name == componentType);


            foreach (var item in computers)
                if (item.Id == computerId)
            return string.Format(SuccessMessages.RemovedComponent, componentType, comp.Id);

        public string RemovePeripheral(string peripheralType, int computerId)
            Peripheral peri = peripherals.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType().Name == peripheralType);


            foreach (var item in computers)
                if (item.Id == computerId)
            return string.Format(SuccessMessages.RemovedPeripheral, peripheralType, peri.Id);

Module: C# Advanced
nickwork avatar nickwork 657 Точки
Best Answer

Тук сякаш изглежда да е добре този метод, грешката е ,че нямаш инициализирана някъде (колекция, лист)..по добре пусни зип на цялата задача https://easyupload.io/, че по грешките виждам че гърми в различни класове

StefanBuchvarov avatar StefanBuchvarov 0 Точки

Заповядайте и благодаря Ви за помощта!


nickwork avatar nickwork 657 Точки

Пуснал си само 1 единствен файл, зипни цялата папка с всички класове и я ъплоудни 

StefanBuchvarov avatar StefanBuchvarov 0 Точки


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