Въпрос за Regex
Здравейте, ако имам да проверя текст:
$Request$: [73]|[115]|[105]|
%Taggy$: [73]|[73]|[73]|
%Taggy%: [118]|[97]|[108]|
$Request$: [73]|[115]|[105]|[32]|[75]|
и условието ми за проверката на Regex-а е:
•There is nothing else before and after it
•It starts with a tag, which is surrounded by either '$' or '%' (but not both at the same time), the tag itself has to be minimum 3 characters long, start with a uppercase letter, followed only by lowercase letters
•There is a colon and a single white space after the tag
•There are 3 groups consisting of numbers between [' and'], followed by a pipe (|)
Как трябва да се напише Regex-а без да включва различните специални символи. - както при %Taggy$