SoftUni Reception
Някой може ли да ми помогне защо ми дава 50/100 в Judge.
Three employees are working on the reception all day. Each of them can handle a different number of students per hour. Your task is to calculate how much time it will take to answer all the questions of a given number of students.
First, you will receive 3 lines with integers, representing the number of students that each employee can help per hour. On the following line, you will receive students count as a single integer.
Every fourth hour, all employees have a break, so they don't work for an hour. It is the only break for the employees, because they don't need rest, nor have a personal life. Calculate the time needed to answer all the student's questions and print it in the following format: "Time needed: {time}h."
Input / Constraints
- On the first three lines - each employee efficiency - integer in the range [1 - 100]
- On the fourth line - students count – integer in the range [0 – 10000]
- Input will always be valid and in the range specified
- Print a single line: "Time needed: {time}h."
- Allowed working time / memory: 100ms / 16MB