Python - a programming language changes the world
Бих искал да споделя с вас нещо, което ми дойде на имейла преди броени минути - още пари: Брошура за програмния език Python
Ето няколко извадки от документа:
In 1998, a small company from California, with the help of the Python programming language, changed the way we search for relevant information on the Internet. The company had an unusual-sounding name: Google.
In the year 2020, the European Space Agency (ESA) intends to send a probe to Mars which will then bring rock samples back to Earth. Back on Earth, the samples will be examined for signs of life. However, as the probe can only bring around 500 g of Mars rock back to Earth, the samples on Mars must be very carefully selected. Scientists at Chimie-ParisTech are investigating the possibility of a novel in situ selection device and they make heavy use of Python to achieve this goal.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Titanic, or Avatar – films can no longer survive today without special
effects and computer animations. The Python programming language plays a key role here.
P.S. В мометнта линка работи, но ако в даден момент го махнат или променят, кажете, ще го кача някъде.